Electronic, Database

Engineer, IE IRD

Address: UMR iEES-Paris Institut d’écologie et des Sciences de l’environnement, IRD Institut de Recherche pour le Développement French embassy, BP06 Vientiane (RPD Laos)

Phone: +856 20 54 61 74 03, WhatsApp: +33 788125970

Email: norbert.silvera|DONTWANTSPAM|

Main fields of research and expertise

Norbert SILVERA works at IRD as electronic engineer since end of 1981. After being posted in Ivory Coast (1981-1994), Senegal (1994-2002), Laos (2002-2006, 2012-2016), Thailand (2006-2011) and in-between 5 years in France, he is in Laos again since 2020 within the M-TROPICS CZO. His main activities are to developing innovative electronic devices dedicated to soil surface characterization and soil loss estimation, water regime in small mountainous streams as well as hydro-meteorology data base management.
